August 31, 2018

The past two years have been nice because our kids are getting older and now the wife and I can plan to go out to dinner, have an afternoon out, or a night away; more often than we could when our kids were little.  We didn’t like asking family to watch the kids, and didn’t too often, and hiring a sitter really wasn’t something we could do financially, with 4 children and already having to pay for the ‘outing’.  So, we stayed in a lot or did everything with our kids.  It’s great how close we all are though, maybe all those times we were at home made the difference.

My oldest daughter just got engaged this past July and my youngest is now 9.  My wife and I are taking the time to get to know each other all over again.  We have been together since high school, got married after we were done with college.  So, for us, it was very important for our relationship to figure ourselves out again after 20+ years.  It has been very interesting and a lot of fun.

street signI was told by my wife that I should start this website because of all the things I cook, fix, and the new adventures we’ve been on.  I think she basically wanted me to post all the pictures of the ridiculous stuff I do that we laugh about.

(I’m thinking the person who ordered this sign meant, “speed bump”?  I don’t think it was intended to tell people that!)

The wife and I took on the challenge of going on an adventure into Canada.  Her high school friend lives about 1-5 hours north of Toronto (depending on traffic), so we got up bright and early to leave for the night.

After getting to our destination, visiting for a bit, our friends took us to a car show they were having in their town… along with a little bit of sight seeing of their town.

I got to be Batman for 2 whole minutes… and I even got mauled by a bear.  If I see an opportunity, I take it.

I have to do ridiculous things.  The best was when one of our friends asked their town police officer if he would pretend to put me under arrest.  Of course, I had to do it, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.  Now, we have funny stories to tell and reminisce about in the future.

All these little silly things I do, makes us laugh, and if it makes someone else chuckle, well, why not put it out there for people to see and enjoy.  I will not be putting myself in harms way or harming others with the things I do. My main purpose is for my own amusement, my wife appreciates my sense of humor as well (at least she acts like she does).  One would say the things I do are a little corny.  A dad-ism if you will.

So…if you enjoy classic dad-ism’s, make sure to look for me on Facebook or bookmark my website for upcoming posts.  Thank you for your support and remember a sense of humor is essential for a happy life!


About the Author Jeffrey Klinger

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